Thursday, February 27, 2020

Reduce costs and achieve growth with Managed Print Services

The more resources you free up from your workflow, the more you can invest in growth. A great opportunity is waiting to be seized: your printing environment.
Download the eBook and learn how Xerox Managed Print Services can reallocate large budgets by transforming four aspects of your printing processes:

Device management : entrust your printing processes to an experienced partner and secure immediate profits.

Fleet optimization : Only use the equipment you need (and confidently send the rest into retirement).

Process efficiency : Accelerate and simplify printing processes and make downtime disappear.

Document management : Convert paper-based processes to digital and see how your operating costs decrease - and your productivity skyrockets.

See for yourself how the city of New York, Europart, IHS and California State University save six- and seven-figure sums with Xerox MPS - and find out how you too can reduce your costs with us.

Printing as a service or managed print services (MPS)

The advantages of MPS (Managed Print Services) services at a glance

Aren't there more important things to do than take care of printing? - You just want to print a printed page, an email, a contract or an invoice! In many companies, printing is still of central importance for corporate success. But you don't really want to worry about the printers. Ideally, "printing" is simply there and available. You want to print whenever and from whatever device - even with your smartphone and without further ado. Just click and take the printed paper.

Managed Print Services can reduce both direct printing costs and administration and maintenance costs -  printing as an excellent service .


an always top modern equipment park
printing systems precisely tailored to individual needs
maximum flexibility
fair, low and predictable printing costs - you only pay for what you actually use
only one supplier, one contact person and one invoice for everything
Single point of contact
Full service through our own, highly professional service organization
short downtimes, reliable service and the best quality
free resources for other tasks

Let  BEL Electronics as an MPS provider convince you!

Discover how we can optimize your IT to increase productivity, improve efficiency and achieve a long-term strategic advantage. Most companies don't give document management the attention it deserves. As a result, companies will eventually face unnecessary costs and unexpected  problems that consume IT resources and affect user productivity.

Although the revolution of mobile & cloud computing is in full swing, more than a third of all business processes are still based on documents. An order of magnitude that surprises some entrepreneurs. It is usually not transparent how much is actually spent on document management. The printing costs alone - whether for each printed / copied page or for the procurement, maintenance and support of your printers and copier systems can add up unnoticed. Managed print services (MPS) from BEL Büroelektronik help you gain more transparency and control over your expenses - or replace them with predictable costs.

Try out the Managed Print Services for your printers and see for yourself how easy, fast and convenient the services are. With MPS you will never experience unexpected bottlenecks again, always keep an eye on the costs and can rely on the security of your data. This is what Printing as a Service looks like! It is best to send us the completed contact form today , our range of services is impressive - we promise.

Wednesday, February 19, 2020

What is a Radio Frequency Engineer?

A radio frequency engineer or RF engineer is an electrical engineer specializing in devices that receive or transmit radio waves. All of our wireless and mobile devices work with radio waves, so our technology-centric society would not be possible without the work of RF engineers. These engineers often work in a collaborative environment with other RF engineers and with stakeholders in other disciplines.

An RF engineer is a qualified person who requires a bachelor's degree and a state license exam. For a potential RF engineer, a state license required, as there are many jobs in public telecommunications companies. Other potential employers are the military or a radio station. There are also a limited number of research centers in the academic field.

What does an RF engineer do?

The main job of a radio frequency engineer is to collect data, investigate radio frequencies and analyze the information collected to improve radar design. His responsibilities include message sensors, surveillance radars, cellular components, radar on the horizon and radio waves. The design modules and switches to improve the transmission and execution of measurements and installations by electronics. They measure electromagnetic emissions, install equipment, test their designs and correct and correct errors to improve radio frequency and speed. RF engineers often coordinate with technicians and other engineers to cover multiple data locations.

RF Engineer Skills

While the RF engineer's role is highly technical, social skills such as active listening and verbal understanding of success in this area are crucial. RF engineers must also have the perfect combination of independent work and collaboration with others. According to our analysis of the RF Engineer job offers, here are some general and advanced skills that RF Engineer candidate employers expect.

Primary Skills: Our research shows that the following are the basic skills to succeed in an RF survey engineer jobs. If you want to become an RF technician, you should focus on:

·         Ability to understand and analyze the wireless network KPIs.
·         Knowledge in the design of RF circuits
·         Knowledge of the structure of the mobile network and the LTE networks.
·         problem-solving skills.
·         Knowledge of Microsoft Excel
·         Interaction.
·         Interpersonal, verbal, written communication skills.
·         Ability to prioritize the workload.

Advanced Skills: These skills were not listed as required for a job as an RF Engineer. However, if you have these skills, you have an advantage in the job market.

·         Experience with software like MapInfo, Siterra, and Atoll
·         Master the principles of project management.
·         Advanced mathematical skills

RF Engineer Salary

The national average salary for electrical engineers, which includes high-frequency engineers, is $ 98,300. According to the BLS, those in the 90th percentile earn more than $ 152,000, while those in the 10th percentile make $ 63,400. The three states with the highest average salaries for RF engineers are Rhode Island with $ 118,600 (Ma)

Also Read: Network Security

Friday, February 14, 2020

Double authentication is another necessary step to data security

Cyber ​​security specialists should be aware of the potential risks associated with weaknesses resulting from insufficient authentication mechanisms of network users. Cyber ​​criminals are able to successfully steal login credentials using a number of techniques, including phishing. On the one hand, the method of defense, although requiring time, is accurate knowledge about threats and their evolution, as well as tactics of phishing scams used by cybercriminals. On the other hand, security measures in the cloud come to the rescue.

Cisco Firewall Experts point out the two most important challenges related to data security and the mechanisms that help protect:

1. Lack of Proper Supervision

Modern company networks consist of local infrastructure on the client side and applications operating in the cloud model. It is worth remembering that to access company resources, many users use their own devices (BYOD). This causes a situation in which many devices connect to the company network without proper supervision of IT departments. At the same time, in addition to employees, access to the network may be needed by external suppliers and business partners, who usually require more limited access and should be separated from the employee base. Unfortunately, not all organizations apply greater restrictions to this group in terms of access and security policies.

The Cisco Duo Security security mechanism is not only two-factor authentication, but also an insight into the terminal devices, providing secure access to both cloud applications and those operating locally on the client side - regardless of whether it is a corporate device or private.

By integrating with any cloud-based software, authentication enables secure access to popular Office 365 family applications, CRM systems (e.g. Salesforce), and cloud drives. At the same time, thanks to the fact that it is based on the cloud itself, the Cisco Duo Security solution can be scaled as the company's needs evolve. It is also possible to set stricter rules for access to the company network, e.g. for the third parties mentioned above (e.g. by blocking access from the proxy, Tor network or specific geographical areas).

2. Stealing Login Details

According to the Verizon Data Breach Report, as many as 81% of user account hacking cases were associated with the fact that passwords were too weak or were stolen. Thanks to the access to the corporate network obtained in this way, cybercriminals can try to obtain greater rights and penetrate other systems, servers or company applications. At the same time, going further, the attackers are trying to install malware programming on internal systems to get permanent and, worse, invisible access to the network.

Multi-factor authentication is an effective tool against user identity theft. The attacker would need not only to get his login details, but also to physically access his device to launch the attack. For proof of identity, Cisco Duo Security offers users various methods of multi-factor authentication, thus providing easy access to internal applications. Together with the AnyConnect VPN application, the solution provides: Duo Push, one-time passwords (OTP), verification via a telephone connection and token (both SMS and physical). IT administrators have the option of running one or more authentication options based on the current needs of users or the environment in which they operate.

Responding to the rapid evolution of IT environments, Cisco Duo Security provides an adequate level of protection for all users of the company's network, connecting to any application, using any device and from anywhere, "says Mateusz Pastewski, Cyber ​​Security Solutions Sales Manager at Cisco Polska. "This is especially important in the dynamically developing multi cloud environment, also hybrid, when IT teams are responsible for protecting hundreds or even thousands of different network access points.

How can Field Engineer Help

Are you looking for cybersecurity engineers in your area? Field Engineer, a global freelance field engineer marketplace, is here to help. It contains an extensive pool of 50000+ talented freelancers. Sign up today so that you can find the right candidate as soon as possible.

Also Read: Cyber Security Tech

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

What is a Computer Network, Network, LAN, WAN, and Salary

Computer Network

Define the term Computer Network: Two or more computers are connected to transmit the data electronically. In addition to physically connecting computers and communication devices, a network system provides a consistent architecture that allows a variety of device types to transmit information in an almost seamless manner.

The primary network types are Local Area Networks (LANs) and Wide Area Networks (WANs). Local networks connect computers and peripherals in a limited physical area, such as an office, lab, or university campus, through connections (wires, Ethernet cables, fiber optics, Wi-Fi) that transmit data quickly. A typical LAN contains two or more high-capacity computers, printers, and large-capacity storage devices, known as file servers, that allow each computer on the network to access a standard set of files. With LAN operating system software that interprets inputs and directs networked devices, users can communicate with each other. Sharing printers and storage devices; and simultaneously access processors, data, or programs (instruction sets) located in the center. LAN users can also access other LANs or wide area networks. LANs with similar architectures are connected by "bridges" serving as transfer points. LANs of different structures are connected by "gateways" that convert data as they transfer among systems.

WANs connect computers and lesser networks to more extensive networks in larger geographic areas, including various continents. You can connect computers to cables, fiber, or satellites, but their users typically access networks/systems through a modem (a device that computers can talk to over the phone line). The largest WAN is the Internet, a network of networks and bridges connecting billions of computer users on every continent.

What is a Network?

A network is made up of two or more computers connected to share resources (such as printers and CDs), share files, or provide electronic communication. Computers in a network can be connected by cables, phone lines, radio waves, satellites, or infrared light beams.

The two most common types of networks are:

Local Area Network (LAN)
Wide Area Network (WAN)

You can also see references to metropolitan area networks (MAN), wireless (WLAN), or wireless (WWAN) networks.

Local Area Network (LAN)

A LAN (local area network) is a network that is limited to a relatively small area. It is usually limited to a geographical area such as a writing lab, a school, or a building.

Computers connected to a network usually categorized as servers or workstations. Servers are typically not used directly by humans, but always work to provide services to other computers (and their users) on the network. Services provided include faxing and printing, software hosting, sharing files and saving, messaging, saving and recovering data, full access control (security) of network resources, and many more.

Workstations are referred to as such because they usually have a human user interacting with them through the network. Workstations have traditionally been considered desktop computers, consisting of a computer, a keyboard, a screen, and a mouse or a laptop with an integrated keyboard, display, and touchpad. With the advent of tablet and touchscreen devices like the iPad and the iPhone, our workstation definition is rapidly evolving to include these devices because they can interact with the network and use network services.

Servers are usually more potent than workstations, although configurations based on requirements. For example, a server group may be located in a secure area that is not close to people and accessible only through the network.In such cases, it is common for servers to operate without a dedicated screen or keyboard.

Nevertheless, the size and speed of the server's processors, hard drive, and main memory can significantly increase system costs. On the other hand, a workstation may not require as much memory, but an expensive display to meet the needs of the user. Each computer in a network must be configured to use it.

In a single LAN, computers and servers can be wired or connected wirelessly. Wireless access to a wired network provided by wireless access points (WAP). These WAP devices bridge the gap between computers and networks. A typical WAP has the theoretical capability to connect hundreds or even thousands of wireless customers to a system, although the practical capacity may be much lower.

The servers are almost always connected to the cable network because the cable connections remain the fastest. Stationary workstations (desktops) are typically also connected to the network via a cable, although the cost of wireless adapters has dropped so much that installing workstations in an existing installation with short cabling may be more comfortable and less expensive. Use Wi-Fi for a desktop.
For more information on configuring a LAN, see Topology, Cabling, and Hardware in this tutorial.

Wide Area Network

WANs (Wide Area Networks) connect networks in larger geographic areas such as Florida, the US, or around the world. Dedicated transoceanic cables or satellite uplinks can be used to connect this type of global network.

Using a comprehensive network, schools in Florida can communicate with places like Tokyo in seconds, without having to pay big phone bills. Two remote users from around the world who equipped with microphones and webcam workstations can make a real-time conference call. A WAN is complicated. It uses multiplexers, bridges, and routers to connect local and metro networks to global communication networks such as the Internet. For users, however, an extended network does not seem to be very different from a local network.


In the United States, the average computer network technician salary is $44,562, while an independent technician earns $20.07 per hour, according to PayScale.

Also Read: Network Security Providers

Monday, February 3, 2020

Top 5 Reasons to Choose Juniper Networks

Juniper has been gaining steady market growth for some time now, and while unlikely to move Cisco in the short term, it makes sense to consider Juniper as both a technology option and a professional option. In this post, we'll analyze where and why Juniper is better than the competition and why it's the right choice for both users and network professionals.

Juniper was formed initially to compete directly with Cisco and has a long rivalry with the industry giants. It's even called a potential Cisco killer. That did not happen. However, together with network providers such as HP Enterprise, Huawei, and Arista, Juniper Network Engineer represents a viable alternate routing, switching, and security solution for Cisco.

1. First-Class products for Routing, Switching, and Security

Cisco provides a one-stop-shop for a variety of network needs, including enterprise networks and service providers, data center networks, mobility solutions, network security, cloud, conferencing, and collaboration.

Juniper does not try to be everything for everyone. The focus is clearly on delivering first-line routing, switching, and security solutions. Juniper stands for speed and performance. Its products avoid overloading features that can slow down the corresponding Cisco product.
Juniper's Junos OS is much more modular and robust than Cisco's feature-rich iOS. If a Junos process fails, it does not necessarily disable the entire network node. And that should make your sleep easier at night.

2. Exceptional value for specific needs.

Juniper, such as Cisco, HPE, and other small shared resource solution providers, can meet the basic network needs of most business customers and service providers. But when it derives to bells and whistles, Cisco's rich feature set will generally convince.
Juniper focused on engineering for high data throughput in the development of its products, first for ISP networks and then for business customers. They use ASIC (application-specific integrated circuits) explicitly designed for high-speed data transfer, without relying on general-purpose chips and software.

The conclusion is that you will do a great job with Juniper, but at a higher price than Cisco.

3. Open the Architecture

A recurring problem for customers at Cisco is the fear of being integrated into the provider's proprietary architectures, many of which are due to their diverse and diverse acquisitions. In contrast, Juniper adopted a more open approach and developed its product line from scratch based on the same Junos architecture and operating system. Junos OS is a modular system based on the open-source FreeBSD similar to UNIX. This architecture, combined with a world-class market approach, leads to Juniper's comprehensive interoperability with third-party switches.

Juniper Networks Jobs also implemented the OpenFlow network standard as the basis for its software-defined networking (SDN) innovations, while Cisco is working with ACI, a patented hardware-based approach.

Juniper takes a highly automated infrastructure. With all Linux and UNIX systems, Junos is API driven. It means that it is easy to create administrative and administrative extensions for Juniper if you use the same FreeBSD kernel calls that the command-line interface (CLI) also applies. Better yet, you can use the Python language to create automation scripts that invoke the same API.

4. Agility to stay ahead

As a company that is only a fraction of the size of Cisco, Juniper can not use the same technical resources for a variety of research topics. However, in the past, Juniper has focused on the development of routing, switching, and security. For example, they've used up their resources on areas that contain network virtualization, remote office support, and software-defined networks, while Cisco was less agile and had to be caught up.

5. Keep Cisco Honest

One of the drivers of the entire open-source movement was the fear that customers might be exposed to one or two dominant vendors. Cisco's ownership approach, broad product portfolio, and commanding position do not dispel fears. Customers see a counterpoint to Cisco's price and market power strategies in Juniper and other Small Stock Networks vendors.

Juniper may not be as big as Cisco, and the product range may not be as broad, but it can meet the core needs of business networks and service providers. Using Juniper as part of your system or in response to your bid will ensure that Cisco treats you fairly.

Also Read: VMware consultant salary

Is Telecommunications a Good Career?

The telecommunications industry is booming. Worldwide sales are expected to reach $ 1.46 trillion by 2020. According to financial experts, modern technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT), augmented reality and 5G connectivity will play a vital role in its development. In this digital age, there are more jobs in telecommunications than ever before.

Telecommunications are considered a good career as the industry evolves and grows with the advent of new technologies. Wireless devices provide more reliable services and companies compete for faster Internet and the best deals. The entertainment industry will always be popular, but the development of new technologies is increasing rapidly. If you have excellent problem-solving skills and are happy to work in a team, you will probably be successful in this area. While there are still many orders to install cables and other hardware, they may eventually decline as we continue to rely more on wireless devices.

Despite the growing popularity of Viber, WhatsApp, Skype, and other services that allow people to chat for free stream content, and hold videoconferencing, the telecommunications industry continues to grow. Companies operating in this market invest heavily in IoT, virtual reality, and network updates. They also switch to the latest equipment and experiment with innovative service offerings.

With a host of new products and millions of new subscribers, this industry opens a world of opportunities for people who want to start their careers or change jobs. The demand for engineers, installers of telecommunications equipment and customer service representatives are continuously increasing. If you're a technology expert, you may get a well-paid job as a language project analyst, IT specialist, or network deployment administrator. Applicants with advanced technical knowledge have the best job opportunities.

Jobs in the telecommunications industry

The telecommunications industry is continuously changing to meet the needs of customers and keep up with the latest technologies. Every day there are new job opportunities. If you are a digital marketing specialist, an engineer or a programmer, you can make a career in telecommunications. It is one of the most exciting industries in history, think about how far phones have prospered in recent decades.

With more and more telecommunications operators digitalising their services, candidates with analytical, operational capabilities have a competitive advantage in the labour market. Based on your skills and exp, you can work as a global security network engineer, IT customer experience manager, technical project manager or data analyst.

However, for plumbers and repairers of telecommunications equipment, there are still many jobs available. If you have experience in marketing sales, you can promote yourself as a sales representative, telephone salesperson or retailer. The demand for computer systems analysts and software engineers is also increasing.

Telecommunications Engineers

The avg salary of a telecom engineer is $ 85,500 per year. The more experience you have, the greater your income will be. Older employees pay up to $ 145,351 a year.
Anyone interested in a career in this field needs specialised technical training. Most companies require a bachelor's or master's degree, as well as industry-specific certifications. B. CCIE, CCNP and BICSI. Job seekers with advanced math skills, analytical skills and strong communication skills have a competitive advantage.

Telecommunications engineers regularly interact with employees, customers or other technicians. Therefore, it is essential to have excellent interpersonal skills and give people with different qualifications the ability to convey complex concepts. You are responsible for managing telecommunications infrastructure, routers and computer networks. Telecom engineers also need a good understanding of telephone and VoIP networks, cabling standards, WAN protocols and ISO documentation.

Work as a Telecommunications Specialist

If you are familiar with the different types of telecommunications networks and systems, you can work as a telecommunications specialist. Most employers seek applicants with a degree in computer science or information science. Telecommunications specialists earn between $ 35,571 and $ 88,750 a year, depending on their skills and experience. They ensure the proper functioning of telecommunications equipment, manage and streamline telecommunications channels, and generate reports on the systems they manage. Telecommunications specialists develop and implement communication networks, provide technical advice and coordinate telecommunications activities. If you think Is Telecom a Good Career? Then this is the right to start your career in the telecommunication industry.

About the growth pattern:

This growth is due to the increase of mobile phones and services, as well as Internet connections and services (broadband).

This pattern and growth rate will continue over the next two decades due to sales growth in smartphones, 3G and 4G services, and the rural broadcasting of telecommunications services.
Telecommunications is an industry where technology is changing very fast, outdated by older technologies that can not provide new and essential services or lifestyle services (e.g. use of WhatsApp, banking services, cell phones, cameras, etc.)

As a result, the need for qualified resources in all segments of the telecommunications industry has been and remains much more significant than what the current education or skills development system can provide.

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